About the PalmCross®

The PalmCross® is handmade from solid American walnut wood and crafted to fit the hand. The PalmCross has no permanent finish, which allows the oils of the hands that hold it to become part of the wood and embed in the PalmCross® forever.
See our website to order. Visit us on Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Young, First Communicants Feel Godmother's Presence through the Cross

The PalmCross has always been a wonderful gift for any sacrament. What a perfect time to encapsulate the prayers of your loved ones and create lasting memories and support! In this testimonial, a Godmother was able to share her close presence with her Godchildren across the ocean. The young children not only felt her spirit, but also perfectly understood the PalmCrosses and started using them right away. 


I’ve been meaning to write you ever since my Godchildren had their First Communion over in Germany and somehow managed to never get a note off to you. So, without further delay, I want to thank you so very much for helping me give Marie and Matt the perfect First Communion gift.

I was able to Skype with them when they opened my gifts, and the PalmCrosses were, of course, the most special. My Godson, Matt, immediately starting reading the card you and Ron have written explaining the purpose of the cross and asked me what “never ending” meant. I explained about the oils from those who love them are imbedded in the cross forever and that the love, support and spirit of those who hold the crosses is never ending and will be with them forever.  I told him that I had held the crosses and had my brother and his wife and another very close friend who knows Marie and Matt hold them before I mailed them.  I also told them I bought one for myself and that I would be getting up and holding my cross from 4:00-5:00a.m., praying and thinking of them so I could be there in spirit since I couldn’t be in person.  (Which I did and it was such a special time for me.)

You’re going to love this part…………when I talked with them the evening after their First Communion and reception/celebration party that their parents had for them…they told me that they both took their crosses with them to their First Communion Mass that morning. Marie had hers in her little white purse, and she told me she reached in and touched it several times while they were praying and she said, “So, Alli, you were with me/us during the communion.” Then Matt told me he took his cross and had it in his suit jacket pocket (which was next to his heart) and that he had the priest and all of his friends who were in his First Communion class hold the cross – and then all of the family members (which includes my sister) hold it later that afternoon at their communion reception.  I told him that was exactly what the purpose of the cross was, and I was so glad it was special to him.

So, I wanted to thank you, your husband and your daughter, once again, for creating such a meaningful and perfect gift of love and support for me to give to my precious godchildren. Your PalmCrosses are so very special, and I know are giving warmth and comfort to all of those who have been fortunate enough to receive one.

I thank you for the bottom of my heart, and wish you and your family all of God’s blessing.


(Names have been changed to protect anonymity.) 

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