About the PalmCross®

The PalmCross® is handmade from solid American walnut wood and crafted to fit the hand. The PalmCross has no permanent finish, which allows the oils of the hands that hold it to become part of the wood and embed in the PalmCross® forever.
See our website to order. Visit us on Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Your PalmPilot for Prayer; Your Cell Phone to God

Not long ago, a customer called to make an order and mistakenly said she wanted a "palm pilot" instead of a PalmCross. We knew what she meant though. Mistaken or not, it's not the first time someone has referenced the PalmCross as this kind of tool. Electronic gadgets are not the only thing that can help run your life.

Another customer once stated that he kept his PalmCross in one pocket and his cell phone in the other. One was for reaching friends and family, and one was for being in touch with God above. He liked that not only was the cross there for ready use, but also that just its presence on his person was a reminder to him. It was a call to keep in mind the type of decisions he wanted to make in his life and who he wanted to be.

The PalmCross is well used for those in extremely trying times. Our PalmPilot customer was gifting the cross to a cousin who was facing cancer surgery and treatment. But for many people, their well-loved and well-prayed-with crosses are simple comfort in their daily lives.

The next time you are thinking of a gift for someone that might help get their life on track, look past the date book or the Bluetooth or the iPhone and look to the cross.


PalmPilot Testimonial:

Dear Ron and Elaine, I am the silly person whom you spoke with last week and mistakenly referred to the “palm pilot” I hoping to order. Well, your PalmCross arrived and I am overwhelmed at how beautifully perfect it is. It has since been christened with my tears and prayers.

Our cousin will be leaving this week for the American Cancer Center out of Chicago and I can’t wait to give her this most special cross to keep with her as she faces surgery and lengthy cancer treatments.

Thank you so much for sending this to me in such a timely way. I know I will be ordering more of these, as I am able, for each member of my family and other dear friends. The work you are doing is truly amazing.